Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2009

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Getting JUnit from Git on a Mac

I want to dig deeper into JUnit for some reasons. Therefore I want to see the latest version in the repository. JUnit uses Git. I use a Mac and never used Git before. Here's what I've done to get JUnit from Git on a Mac.

I installed Git for OS X. It's a dmg file and quite simple to install.

After that I had to add Git's bin path to PATH to use Git in the terminal. I added this to ~/.bash_profile.
export GIT_HOME=/usr/local/git
export PATH=$PATH:$GIT_HOME/bin
Worked now for me: I entered git in the terminal and saw a list of commands.

Now what? I read parts of the official Git tutorial online and in the terminal with git help tutorial. I entered my and my email.adress as a key with git config --global key value where value is my name or email adress, because I should do that "before doing any operation".

I continued reading at paragraph "Using git for collaboration". There's what I was looking for:
Suppose that Alice [aka Kent] has started a new project with a git repository in /home/alice/project [aka git:// as listed on], and that Bob [aka me], who has a home directory on the same machine [aka ~/projects/junit], wants to contribute.
In the terminal I entered
git clone git:// ~/projects/junit
Now Git downloaded JUnit. Finally JUnit was downloaded on my computer. The tutorial states that if Kent would commit changes I could be again up to date with a simple git pull.

So far so good to be able to have a look around in JUnit.

[Update: If you want to run Git within TextMate, than you can. TextMate can deal with Git from the start, but you have to set TM_GIT as a shell variable, e.g. to /usr/local/git/bin/git or wherever you've installed Git.]

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